Equipping men everywhere to discover their purpose, power, and place.
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Dominon: A Bible Study for Men
What if you felt in control–on the job, in your home, over your addictions? What if your spiritual life was vibrant and temptations no longer held their power over you? It’s possible, and even promised in the Word of God. Designed for personal use or group study, this booklet contains powerful truths of God's Word, along with challenging questions and exercises that will help you apply it to your life. Scripture references and everything you need is included.
Resources for Men
We are excited to partner with multiple ministries in and around the United Pentecostal Church International. From video studies to daily devotions, moral accountability, and more - we encourage you to use the link below so you can discover various resources for you and your family.
Father's Day Offering:
The UPCI Men’s Ministry has become an invaluable medium through which men are bringing their gifts to the kingdom table, making both a timeless and tangible difference around the world. Through joint efforts with various UPCI ministries, hundreds of capable, committed men continue to build the kingdom at home, and abroad - constructing houses of worship, Bible schools, and orphanages, and through man-to-man evangelism as well.